
Keeping meats and produce fresh and in top condition takes a lot of human attention as well as top-notch technology.
Keeping meats and produce fresh and in top condition takes a lot of human attention as well as top-notch technology. At Choice Foods, we have custom-built chillers with separate temperature controls set to the optimum level for each kind of meat. Our refrigeration and freezer units are of international standard, and all of our equipment are regularly inspected and maintained for functionality as well as hygiene. Such high-end equipment and rigorous maintenance standards apply throughout all our branches in Thailand.
At Choice Foods, we’ve never been afraid to innovate. When there is a need for a tool that doesn’t yet exist in the local market, we simply get it made. Our refrigerated delivery vehicles are a prime example such industry-leading innovation. We were also the first to have a smoke house for salmon. And now, at our headquarter in Bangkok, we are proud to be the first meat importer to have a comprehensive butchery on our premises. This allows us to serve you better because we can custom-cut the meat to your specifications, thereby saving you time and eliminating waste, ultimately reducing your overhead costs.